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Hokuyo - URG-04LX

Alias Classic URG

・Supply voltage 5V
・Measurement distance 4m
・Field of view 240°
・Interface RS-232C / USB

Scanning Laser Range Finder, the best optimized sensor for environment recognition.
Suitable for next generation intelligent robots with an autonomous system and privacy security.
High accuracy, high resolution and wide angle which provide the best solution for autonomous robots moving in the unknown environment.
Compact size allows more designing freedom. Light weight and low power consumption contribute to the long time operations.
No influence by how bright the environment will be. Excellent performance in darkness.
Recognizing human body's size and position without hurting their privacy.

Hokuyo URG-04LX


Model No.


Power source


Current consumption

500mA or less(800mA when start-up)

Measuring area

60 to 4095mm(white paper with 70mm)



60 to 1,000mm : ±10mm, 1,000 to 4,095mm : 1% of measurement


60 to 1,000mm : ±10mm

Angular resolution

Step angle : approx. 0.36°(360°/1,024 steps)

Light source

Semiconductor laser diode(λ=785nm), 
Laser safety class 1(IEC60825-1, 21 CFR 1040.10 & 1040.11)

Scanning time



25dB or less


USB, RS-232C(19.2k, 57.6k, 115.2k, 250k, 500k, 750kbps),
NPN open-collector(synchronous output of optical scanner : 1 pce)

Communication specifications

Exclusive command(SCIP Ver.1.1 or Ver.2.0)*2

Ambient temperature/humidity

-10 to +50 degrees C, 85% or less(Not condensing, not icing)

Vibration resistance

10 to 55Hz, double amplitude 1.5mm Each 2 hour in X, Y and Z directions

Impact resistance

196m/s2, Each 10 time in X, Y and Z directions


Approx. 160g


Cable for power・communication/input・output(1.5m) 1 pce,
D-sub connector with 9 pins 1 pce*3

*1 Sensor will not operate with USB bus power. Prepare power source separately.
*2 The default setting is ver.1.1. Please contact Hokuyo for more information.
*3 USB cable and fitting metal don't provide.

Note) This sensor is designed for indoor use only.
Note) This sensor is not safety device
Note) Hokuyo products are not developed and manufactured for use in weapons, equipment, or related technologies intended for destroying human lives or creating mass destruction. If such possibilities or usages are revealed, the sales of Hokuyo products to those customers might be halted by the laws of Japan such as Foreign Exchange Law, Foreign Trade Law or Export Trade Control Order.In addition, we will export Hokuyo products for the purpose of maintaining the global peace and security in accordance with the above laws of Japan .